
Try this funny little Schopenhauer game

I found this funny little RPG Maker game called The Life of Arthur. In it, you play as the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. You solve a few puzzles and mysteries, poke around the map, talk to some fellow students of yours, and see a few moments of the miserable man’s life.

The life of Arthur

In one scene, you throw an old woman down the stairs for talking too loudly outside of your door while you’re trying to write, an event that actually took place and that I laughed at seeing recreated in 8-bit. The infamous letter from his mom makes an appearance, in which she calls him irritating and unbearable. In fact, the game was developed by someone using the pseudonym Schopenhauer’s Mother.

The life of Arthur

Is it a good game, as a game? No, not really. But it feels like a project that some philosophy-head had fun making. It’s really short (under 30 mins) with some interesting dialogues and a few witty philosophy references. If you like Schopenhauer you might get a kick out of it.

The life of Arthur

The life of Arthur

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